You don’t have to have seen us bring Roy Loney up for an impromptu “Slow Death” Friday at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in San Francisco to know of our fondness for the city-specific. Over the years on this date, we squeezed six members of Lambchop onto the stage at the Mercy Lounge in Nashville during the 2004 swing state tour and we covered the Electric Eels in Cleveland in 2009. More local guests: Tara Key at the Knitting Factory in NYC in 1991 and Rick Rizzo at the Vic in Chicago in 2006 (he was nearly deafened when he stepped on a fuzzbox turned way way up). And at a 1990 in-store at Olsson’s in D.C., touring Fakebook, while Georgia and Wilbo Wright lay down a groove, Kevin Salem pulls a copy of Henry Rollins’s Pissing in the Gene Pool off the shelf and declaims a few excerpts.