Two years and two days ago, Georgia and I had taken advantage of a lull in our recording schedule and were contemplating our navels somewhere, readying ourselves for a temporary return home to play with M. Ward at Prospect Park. Plans were upended when we got word that James had been hospitalized with appendicitis and would be otherwise occupied on this day in 2012. Everyone concerned agreed that outright cancellation should be our last resort, so the two remaining band members with appendixes started trying to figure out what to do. Neither of us thought that a duo performance was ideal, and luckily both Dave Schramm and David Mansfield were available on short notice to take part. Georgia and I returned to New York, visited James at the second hospital we looked for him at, and made our way to Prospect Park. We rehearsed with Dave and David pretty much until the moment we went on stage and opened with Dump’s “Slow Down.” We premiered Fade’s “Is That Enough” and “The Point of It,” played “Coming Home” by David’s Alpha Band-mate T-Bone Burnett, and Dave sang “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Here’s hoping things were going more according to plan in 2010 in Atlanta, from where Brandon writes: My wife Katy walks down the aisle to your version of “My Little Corner of the World”. Later, “Emulsified” and “Autumn Sweater” could be heard at the reception alongside hits by The Bonzo Dog Band, Magnetic Fields, The Coctails and Chumbawamba. We will send BMI a check soon, promise.
Here’s to thirty more . . .