Hi everybody. The dog days of summer are in full dog here in the metropolitan area. We’ve been laying low, hard at work making up new songs, and figuring out when to record them (answer: soon!). Is that really all we have to report this time around? Almost!
We’ve already recorded one and a half songs for our forthcoming Christmas EP. And on Monday we’ll be entering a recording studio with a few special guests to record some material for a new CDEP/12" to be released this fall on Matador.

A Sean Quinn writes:
"Here is my guess about James’ summer viewing . . . My guess is that James will see exactly zero summer blockbusters this summer. Not a one. Instead, the good Mr. McNew will spend his time painting large scale watercolors of exotic insects. Any time away from this all-consuming passion will be spent ‘practicing his slider,’ if you know what I mean. Please tell me when I win."
James doesn’t know what you mean. James has, in fact, been to the movies this summer. The contest to guess which summer releases he has seen ends on Tuesday, so starting then, we’ll be accepting your guesses. (you see, Sean, much like the summer TV sensation "American Idol," only then will your entries be valid – the phone lines are not open yet) (and by the way, how could they vote off Tamyra before Nikki? you gotta be fucking kidding me) The first person who guesses correctly wins something. James hasn’t figured out what you win yet, he’s clearly a very busy man.
OK then. YLT