Mass. Ave

Twenty-nine years ago today, we’re at Maxwell’s on a bill with the Trypes, Wygals, and Scruffy the Cat, all of whom will join us on the Coyote comp Luxury Condos Coming to Your Neighborhood Soon.  Though  that record didn’t come out till 1986, this can’t be a coincidence, but I don’t remember any more than that.  We include the Lost’s “Maybe More Than You” in our set and then put that number in mothballs for 21 years, dusting it off when Willie Alexander agrees to sing it with us at Hanukkah 2006.  More Boston covers abound on this date: Also in 2006, we perform “Old World” and an instrumental version of “Don’t Give It Up Now” as part of the encore at the Avalon in Boston; and down the road in Providence in 1990 for an in-store at In Your Ear, we pull out “Balancing Act” and “Junk.”

