Delivery men (and woman)

Lest you think Megan from Denver doesn’t love all her children equally, I’m the one who decided to assign the email she sent us back in January to July 22.   YLT’s music has been involved in a few very big moments in my life.  I remember working at a coffee shop in 2000 and hearing a YLT song chosen by a coworker, and was hooked ever since.

 I was married August 23, 2008 in Colorado and Our Way to Fall was our first song.

Fast forward a few years and I’m in the delivery room of a hospital in Denver on October 3rd, 2010.  I had a playlist of my favorite songs rotating and clearly remember I Heard You Looking playing as the doctor held my first child up for me to see for the first time.  What a moment!

I had a second child July 22, 2013 and out of superstition I tried to be sure YLT was playing as she was born  (my first baby was so easy!) but I’m not sure what song was playing.

We were out for the Bell House show a few weeks ago, flying from CO as my 30th birthday present.

Our family purchased a record player for Christmas 2011 and now my daughter dances around the living room to her new favorite record, saying “Mommy, play the tree one!” when I’m flipping through our vinyl.

Thanks for all the great memories, you have been a part of some really great times for both me and my family!


delivery_man                                                      Emily Hubley – Delivery Man (1982)