All about the Grants

Twenty-four years ago today, we begin a two-night run in San Francisco in support of the Sundays.   Touring the USA with them, we received the same payday for every show, except for the pair at Slim’s, where in what we always took as a gesture of their San Francisco-ness we got an extra fifty dollars (and except for the next dates in Los Angeles, where the equal and opposite gesture got us fifty dollars less).  A note on our dressing room door sounds us out about inviting Cyril Jordan to play “You Tore Me Down,” but we’re afraid our opening-act timetable won’t permit it, so don’t pursue that avenue for another 13 years.  Question: Was anyone reading this at the Garage in London 16 years ago today?  And if so, any idea what led us to perform “Born Free” during our encore???

